
11 things that happen when you move from Karachi to Dubai

1. The words ‘deport’ and ‘fine’ become a frequent part of your vocabulary 

2. The first new Arabic phrase you learn is Al Abwab Tughlaq 
3. You realize that Karachi weather, however much you hated it, will always be better than Dubai weather
4. You learn that the words ‘only’ and ‘no’ can be used in any sentence
5. You take a little while to openly use your phone while commuting or in a public place, scared that you might get mugged
6. You start missing everything about your country. The people. The mess. The struggle. Even the strikes. Who doesn’t like extra holidays?
7. You learn to appreciate just how wonderful Indian people are. Then you learn to appreciate how they are in fact no different than you. 
8. You realize all your fantasies about ‘foreigners’ were skewed because of movies and well, desi is the best. 
9. When someone visits karachi, you beg them to bring pakola, slims, knorr and chili milli. 
10. You keep checking how much a round trip to Karachi costs 
11. You accept that even though you’re earning in lacs when it comes to the Pakistani rupee, you’re also spending in lacs
But one thing you learn for sure is that you will never be able to replace your friends back home

43 thoughts on “11 things that happen when you move from Karachi to Dubai

  1. Faizan says:

    lol something worth it to bring smile on a corporate slave… Btw you missed few things i guess..

    Egyptions who cant pronunce T .. The is Zaa for them
    And Keralites with their unique language


    • saramuzzammil says:

      Haha everyone has their own observations and experiences. If you want to write about these things, I would love to see your writings. And I’m glad I made someone smile with this 🙂


  2. Adnan Khan says:

    Awesome I must say. I came here 8 years back yet at times I see myself roaming in khadda market in my dreams 😛 lols


  3. aizad says:

    I disagree with some portion of point #7. I too, have lived with Indians, and other than the major difference in our eating habits, they are are pretty much like we are. Difference of opinions do exist, and will always exist. Nothing wrong with that. As long as we respect each other’s difference of opinion and do not compromise on what’s important to us, it will be alright to meet ANYONE, coming from ANY country.


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